Potopni logotip 4K HDR potrošnikom zagotavlja, da bo raven kakovosti slike, ki jo obljublja ta tehnologija, učinkovito dostavljena in reproducirana na televizorjih JVC.
Raziščite na tisoče filmov, oddaj, iger in na velikem zaslonu s sistemom Android TV poiščite odgovore na svoja vprašanja
Z neverjetno svetlostjo, kontrastom in barvo, JLED uprizarja zabavo pred vašimi očmi. S polnim izkoristkom maksimalnega potenciala nove tehnologije kino projekcije, Dolby Vision prinaša prefinjeno, resnično podobo, pri kateri boste pozabili, da gledate v zaslon.
High Dynamic Range allows for video and images with much greater brightness, contrast, and better color accuracy with your favourite content.
Unlock a truly remarkable entertainment experience with the immersive sound of Dolby Atmos® and go deeper into the story. Discover the Dolby difference — a premium entertainment experience that helps you feel a deeper connection to the movies, shows, music, sports, and games you love and immerses you in your favorite entertainment with sound that moves all around you with breathtaking realism. Hear what you’ve been missing with an immersive experience like no other.